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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

E-mails, we get e-mails...

"WC" writes about my earlier post regarding the first Cubs game at Wrigley...

"Isn't it interesting that the Cubs played their first game in Wrigley Field on Hitler's birthday? I looked it up--he turned 27 that day. I believe he was fighting in World War 1."

Not sure what you're implying there, "WC" (a White Sox fan, by the way), but yes, you're right. It was Hitler's birthday. It's a little odd that you knew that, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about (rolling eyes).

In case you're wondering, this is what he looked like at the time. He's the one sitting on the right. He hadn't yet ruined the mini-Chaplin mustache for eternity; he still had that more bushy look going. Also, for the record, I'm fairly certain he wasn't a Cubs fan.

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