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Monday, April 18, 2011

Les makes more

Add this little tidbit to the obscene media CEO pay structure. From this morning's Tom Taylor column at Radio-Info.com...

"Les Moonves’ total compensation in 2008 was a little over $21.1 million. We already knew he doubled that in 2009, at $43.2 million. Now Friday’s SEC filing reveals that for 2010, CEO Moonves made $3,513,462 in base salary (unchanged from 2008-2009). $27.5 million in bonus (almost double 2009’s $15 million). Just about $8 million in stock awards. Nearly $14.9 million in option awards. And almost $3 million in perks...A total of $57,729,020 in compensation."

You know who is worth $57 million a year? Nobody.

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