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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ed Schultz suspended

From this morning's Radio Ink...

"Radio talker and MSNBC host Ed Schulz started serving his one week suspension last night after appearing on his 10PM show for 4 minutes. Schultz started his show with a major apology and a request for forgiveness for the remarks he leveled at Laura Ingraham. He was quickly replaced after the networks' first commercial break. Schultz called his remarks the "lowest of the low for me" adding I used vile and inappropriate language." Schultz apologized to his staff for embarrassing them and said he tried to call Ingraham to apologize but no contact was made. Schultz was suspended by MSNBC for a week after calling Laura Ingraham a "right wing slut" on his radio program."

Laura Ingraham certainly isn't a saint (google some of her famous slams, including her comments about Megan McCain and Michelle Obama), but I think it's nice that MSNBC takes the high road.

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