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Friday, May 27, 2011

Harry & Jay

Two of my former Chicago Radio Spotlight interviews were in the news this week.

Some good news first. Harry Teinowitz avoided jail this week when he pleaded guilty to the DUI charge. He told the judge that this was probably the best thing that ever happened to him because it's forcing him to clean up his act. That's great to hear. I honestly wish him the best.

Then the frightening news out of Colorado. Former WLS talk show host Jay Marvin is recovering from a suicide attempt. He's been going through some rough times and medical problems, and those were on top of his already diagnosed bipolar disorder. Read his blog. It's heartbreaking. He's in a lot of pain right now.

(If you'd like to read my original Chicago Radio Spotlight interviews with either man, I interviewed them both in 2007: Harry Teinowitz, Jay Marvin)

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